The Return of Captain Froggy is an animated funny pre-comedy slapstick cartoon television show series which was created by Russ Mooney and Directed by Kent Butterworth and Timothy Björklund to related other shows from 1996 for made by productions of Jumbo Pictures. For broadcasts which served on ABC, Toon Disney and Animal Planet in USA, Disney Channel in UK, GO! in Australia, Teletoon in Canada, Telemundo in Spanish, Junior in Germany and other languages in other channels included Korean, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, France, Japanese, Russian and more languages in more channel cables. which revealed the first characters in our history in parody of Duck Dodgers including Captain Froggy (voiced by Rob Paulsen, he's a bravest, fearless and heroic frog, who's actually similar to Duck Dodgers and Superfrog) and Marty the Furry (voiced by Jeff Bennett, he's an evil, mean, sinister, furry and odd looking animal like alien creature, who's actually similar to Marvin the Martian and Garfield and comes to planet Mars) and other heroes to come to the rescue in no time in space with our special guests from 34th Wild Street naming Boris T. Squirrel and Susan T. Bunny Rabbit.